poniedziałek, 18 października 2010

How to increase phone participation

Have you ever had a considerable amount of people register for a Conference, and then only half of them appear? You're not alone. This sort of thing is common for large volume Conference calls (100 + people). It depends on the type of call, but our data shows an average rise of 40-50%.

If you want more than the "average" emergence? here are some tips to promote the presence of the conference call:

Remember your participants – remember your participants by sending an e-mail or making a quick phone call. Sometimes people want to live, but they forget.

Use a guest speaker – invite a high-profile speakers. This can be a professional of the industry or a prominent member of your company. Participants in the knowledge that you will be hosting a live Q & a session with your guest speaker.

Take spectators-participants are less likely to skip if they know that their name will be called. a little accountability can go a long way.

Out-Dial – instead of participants you call, you have to call them.Our blast-dial feature allows everyone on your list to be called at the same time. you can also have one of our staff will help you out-dial process.

Recording media-keep your participants engaged and they will come back for more.Use video, PowerPoint, Live polls and text-based chat your conferencing experience to improve.

Keep it Entertaining – incorporate humor in your House and find ways to keep it interesting. you can create a funny and interactive poll, Show a comic strip or parts of a joke.

Cohesion -plan your calls for the same time and same day so your participants are less likely to forget. Moreover, your participants begin to anticipate your meetings and plan accordingly.

Free-flat rate conferencing does not get the same answer as free. If people pay for the call to, then they are less likely to live.

Last minute reminder – nothing works better than a last-minute reminder. send a short email about an hour before the meeting starts.

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